Stranger Danger

   I am terrified of strangers.
   On the internet, I get so excited when someone I don't know comments on my Pinterest photo or if they respond to my comment on a blog.
   In the homeschool group that I'm a part of, if I don't know someone, I have the urge to meet them.   (That's how I met Kayla, and Tamara, and Kathrine, and Ashley.   I really should do a whole post on how I met my friends.   Homeschool groupies make awesome friends.)
   But in other places, strangers terrify me.
   I seem to be one of those people that random strangers want to talk to.   I have had random people compliment on my jewelry, ask if I liked dinosaurs, ask where I'm from, and randomly sit next to me in the kid's area of Chick-Fil-A to ask if my glasses are real (they're not.)   I usually give them a shy smile and a short answer, to be polite.   It's scary to me for some reason.
   My cousin will tell people in McDonald's that she likes their shirt.   She makes friends from all around the country at summer camp, and isn't afraid to blurt out her opinion about anything.   I usually just sit back in awe.   How does she do that?
   I will bury my face in a book so I won't have to talk to people.   I'll go to the bathroom to escape from socialization.   I blush when I talk to people, unless they're one of my very best friends, and even sometimes I clam up when I'm with them.
   Ah, the joys of being an introvert.
Kitty has to go,
Grace Anna Rose


  1. I have memorized the bathrooms of every house I've visited because I tend to hide in them.
    It's slightly disturbing, I suppose...XD


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