Monster: A Review {of sorts}
There is always a book that sticks with you, that you doubt that you'll ever forget. This is one of those books. Now, despite the rather creepy cover (my neighbor told me she thought it looked just downright demonic) this is such a lovely Christian book. It's a story of tragedy, romance, redemption, thrills, and tea. A book isn't a book until tea is mentioned somewhere. When this book first came out, I didn't know Mirriam yet. I knew who she was, and that we had a mutual friend. My friend Ashley told me all about how good it was, and how she sobbed over it, and how it was in her Top Three Most Amazing Books of All Time. So, naturally, I was interested. I love a good book recommendation. But I didn't really know Mirriam until I started this blog, and I was looking for other blogs to follow. So I fol...